Arlene, me, and someone else.
When I got to mass early, I started talking to the Filippino people there, all of a sudden they recruited me to do one of the reading. Ahhh! Talking about being nervous! I didn't feel prepared for this at all. It just fell into my lap! Eddy, who I neglected to take a picture of, would not let me back off from doing the reading. They even recruited me into the choir. The got me in by telling me that they would make some Filippino food for me. All and all, it really felt good being around all of those Filippinos. They are always joking so I felt right at home.
1 comment:
I c you are having lots of fun.. train.. friend.. coffee.. good combination.
i just want to let you know that i decided to get a blog...more like photojournal..here the link:
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