Today I was walking to school and I ran into Gil Young and she said that funniest Gil Youngism!
Gordo: Wow! The weather is really strange today.
Gil Young: It's not strange. It's unusual!
Gordo: I'm outta here!
I don't particularly like the New York New York casino, but, I do like the decorations on the outside of the casino. Here is old lady liberty.
Here's the Manhattan bridge.
I love the ad for Pepsi Cola. Many people don't even know about this drinks existence.
The lovely Eiffel tower in Las Vegas. Many people think this is a shot of the real deal.
Now for some night shots. Here is one of my favorite casinos, the Venitian!
Here's the casino where I stayed out. They had a special for $40 a night. I couldn't decline that.
This waterfall is in the outside of the Wynn Casino. I love this place. I won about $100 and 2 free dinner buffets!