Monday, November 27, 2006

Holiday Festivities!

It's holiday time again! Time for Christmas and Thanksgiving!
Thomas, Steven, Michael, Tara, and I had a Thanksgiving Feast. I brought some loaves of bread that I got from Outback Steakhouse. Thomas and me bought some chicken from the street corner. Steven and Michael cooked some potatoes. We all ate and had a great time!

I went outside with my camera, which wasn't a good idea. The lens froze up so I couldn't take any other good pictures.

Afterwards, in Suwon Station, you can admire the Christmas lights.

There's a huge light display outside Suwon Station!

Monday, November 20, 2006


A funny picture that I thought everyone would enjoy. A racing girl and me! Hehe!

A LA party!

I found out about a Little America party so I wanted to go. It was nice to see everyone and catch up for a while. Here are some of the pictures I took.

Michael and Steven.
Mr. Kang and Jennifer.

I caught Thomas and Steven by surprise.