Here's a picture of me and Sunny. I was baby sitting her most of the time. It was fun.
Here's the hurricane. Up close you can see Steven and Anna!

Some of the students from below the sky buckets!
Here's a picture of Anna from the sky buckets!

Here's a picture of me and Sunny. I was baby sitting her most of the time. It was fun.
Here's the hurricane. Up close you can see Steven and Anna!
Some of the students from below the sky buckets!
Here's a picture of Anna from the sky buckets!
Here's me at the beach for the first time. I look goofy!
On the west side, We have Mc Donalds supporters.
On the east side, we have Pocari Sweat supporters.
The fish in the middle of the tank was huge. He looked like a big rig with a bunch of kias.
This fish has a funny face.
Here's the gang posing with some sealife. Note the amazement by the girl next to me.
Here's Gordo with a Sea Urchin. It was scary. It moved in my hand.
Speaking of scary. Here's the scariest fish of all a shark!
Here's some of the more tripy sea life.
Here's Crash! He's trying fo find a mystical riptide for Nemo!
Again reminds me of Hawaii!
Now for the funniest thing about my trip. Try to figure out the difference between the top and the bottom picture!
Here are two Korean teachers having fun.
Here's some of the performers. It was a bit strange because they sang a song but didn't move!
Here's Lan and me posing in Itaewon!
Here's Veronica boxing with a giant!
Here's us eating some Mexican food!
Here's a solo shot of Yeong Lan. Veronica is being funny! Note: I am not in the picture :-)
But I got this solo professional shot from Veronica. All the girls liked this one!
Here's the big group shot.
The girls all liked these scarves so I bought all three of them scarves. They were so happy they were going nuts!
All three girls doing what they love Shopping!
I too was shopping. Haha!